E-Transformation Services

E-Transformation Services

E-transformation can be defined as the realization of information, value, assets, entrepreneurship and needs in the digital world and the evolution of speed and savings into a basic need.

With the technological development in recent years, the control of financial processes has started to be done in electronic environment.

As a result of this new understanding, e-transformation enables to be a part of the electronic world.


Thanks to digital transformation, productivity increases, time is saved, trade accelerates, unnecessary workload is reduced and storage costs are eliminated.

E-Invoice Architecture

The e-Invoices sent or received can be downloaded to the computer and stored electronically, and can be submitted at any time. E-Invoices can be sent to users registered in the system.

E-Invoice Advantages

Since the invoice is issued in the digital environment, you do not need to send a paper invoice to the taxpayer to whom you sent e-Invoice.

What we offer

With corporate identity, first of all, we create awareness within the sector and thus gain a permanent place in the minds of companies, and we gather the management and compliance of applications in a single point.


Cost Savings
Long Term Archiving


Speed and Practicality
Cost Savings
Working Efficiency


Invoice Printing Send
Elimination of Expenses
Eligibility for Electronic Audit


No Notarization Needed
Fast and Reliable
Control From Anywhere


Low Error Rate
Saving time


It saves the trouble of archiving, storage areas and paper costs.